Take part in the social elections on 12 March 2024 to defend your rights as employees.
These elections are crucial for electing staff representatives in our companies and at the Chambre des Salariés (CSL) at national level. All employees, whether union members or not, have the right to vote, and we encourage everyone to exercise this right. Unions play an essential role in defending our interests, negotiating improvements for all, and ensuring that our individual and collective rights are protected.
Join the OGBL, Luxembourg’s largest trade union, with over 75,000 members, to support the defense of the index and our working and living conditions. Join us and be supported by a strong and committed structure. Your vote counts!
At the level of your company, you will be electing your staff representatives who will subsequently comprise your staff delegation.
Tell me more Elections for the Chamber of Employees.At national level, you will be electing your finance sector representatives to the Chamber of Employees.
Tell me moreWhether you are resident, a cross-border worker, are Luxembourgish or of any other nationality, you will be able to participate in the elections, either as a candidate or simply as a voter.
In both cases, you will be deciding on the level of quality of social dialogue for financial sector employees over the next 5 years.
Did you know that, as far as the social advancement of employees in the financial sector is concerned, the current collective agreement situation is far from satisfactory. Due to the lack of effective employee representation in the sector, real social progress, especially with regard to the current collective agreements, is and remains almost impossible to achieve. This difficult situation primarily benefits the sector’s employers.
As the primary union in Luxembourg, OGBL is aiming to strengthen its position in the finance sector and thereby succeed in bringing about a change to the course of social policy, both at the level of your company as well as at national level, for the next five years.